Resources - Teaching strategies

Teaching strategies for children with learning disabilities

Source: A Handbook for Parents of Children with Disabilities

Children with learning disabilities show greater learning when techniques like task analysis, peer teaching, cooperative learning, learning corners and multisensory approach are used. The following strategies would be helpful to both the parents and teachers when trying to teach such children.

Strategies for reading skills

Strategies for writing skills

Strategies for mathematics

Strategies for Attention deficit and hyperactive disorder

General interventions

Role of the parents

No one is prepared to be the parent of a handicapped child. The parent(s) primarily learn about their child through an experience of family living, and the professionals working with these parents must focus on their experiences which are unique in every individual case. Although parents may share common problems and reactions; the combinations of possible reactions, the intensity of the reactions, and the duration of the reactions are some factors that necessitate that each family be considered individually.

Parental adjustment may consist of any or all the following stages:

The parents should bear the following in mind: